Please contact Danielle Genaway at [email protected] to register for a session
Referee Courses are given periodically.
Please contact Danielle Genaway at 631-445-8752 for information.
The task is simple. Show up at a field with some little kids, get some exercise running around, blow a whistle once in awhile and most importantly – help them have fun.
- Sounds a lot like Refereeing to Me?
- Well that’s exactly it.
- Why would I want to do this???
- It’s an opportunity to help the youth of our community.
- Our younger players need role models who know the game.
- And….of course…THE MONEY!
- How much money do you say???
- $20 per game for division 1
- $15 per game for division 2 and 3
- How many games can I Referee?
- New referees will be placed onto the “on call” list as there are less games than ever before with the decrease in interleague teams. There are only 12-13 games per weekend and already ~35 referees to assign games to. This means that new referees would not be placed on the permanent weekly schedule but would be called when a referee can not do a game (this may not sound like a lot but happens on average 3 games per weekend).
Always remember “to protect the player when playing this fun game”